I have used Ebay to buy goods & in all cases there was some discord with sellers.
My main grievences are:
There is info on what you are buying unless You have seen the product in street & want to get a bargain price. In any case the prices are mostly fixed & you nearly pay the same street price.
All warranties are sellers warranty & not manufacturers.
Most of electronic goods like cameras, mobile phones etc are GREY market products as the makers dont offer guarantee & service on these products.
Refunds & exchanges are very difficult & there is no human interface at Ebay to
get redressal. You have to electronically register your complaint over a complicated
E form & you get a standard preformatted E reply.
Be wary & careful before you bid.
most dealers Ive dealt with are not courteous.
Lots of Junk goods & unbranded products.
6.Delivery charges are very high & mask profit margins.
All in all I ask people to be carefull before bidding on Ebay
Veera Raghavan