It was BidorBuy and Baazee separately together earlier, now they are together together!!
I was just browsing both sites and I have done a few dealing earlier and as recently as
a month back. At the outset, a glance at the site and the rates they mention looks ominous
and outright atrocious, especially the MRP they quote.
Let us set aside the discussion on the bidding for auctions. I have never bought anything in an
auction. I have bought some New items from bidorbuy. Let me give you a small recipe for
There are these local office numbers(of baazee or bidorbuy). Just speak to the rep there and
get a quote on the item you want. Mind you, Baazee isnt selling them themselves, they are just
coordinating your sale with a dealer. The make take some small time to get back to you on the
best quote. In the meanwhile you do your research with all the websites you are aware of and
have your best rate ready. When Baazee calls you up, tell them your quote(reduce the amount and
leave room for bargain) and tell them some X dealer is willing to offer you at that price. Baazee
will again bargain for you with the dealer and 90% chance that youll get it at the rate you want.
But the key to this whole exercise is patience. Do not look overenthused or deperate for the item.
Also, they may arrange for the dealer to deliver it at your doorstep free of cost.
I am telling this out of personal experience and I got a very very good deal.
Lets try to extract the maximum for our money. It isnt growing in trees in our backyard.
After all, Alls fair in Love and War, and Business!!