... before I go crazy reading about this sucker who happens to be CEO of some about to close DotCom in revs about Colgate Toothpaste, Fa bath soap, Priya pickles etc. The day is not far... when Avnish character gets the most over-hyped product award on MS....
Do I care whom Avnish Dates?
OK, he runs a 2 bit web-site not visited by 90% of the web-surfers. He throws a cock & bull marketing pitch rev. (sic... disgusting...) But I dont think he is some kind of Devil incarnate or UBL (Usama Bin Laden) of whole https://
OK, he cheated a few sucker VCs. Stupid VCs deserve to be sucked dry. So what... I dont care as he didnt cheat on me or any other reviewer here (or did he?) as long his site works (which unfortunately doesnt :( )
Is he worth the hype?
I dont think so.
Though I dont believe the BS he gives about no shilling. If you are Jet Airways, would you bid a Travel from Delhi-Chennai for Rs. 1 on Rediff? .... unless you have some insider bidding going on.
If a buyer cannot buy stuff on Bazee, tough luck for Bazee. They will go to Bujiyaa , Paajee or Ebay.... something that works for them. It is Avnish/Suvir who need to worry. I would only worry if they were running some kind of Credit Card Fraud scam. Didnt read anyone blaming them for that ...atleast till this day the 14th Feb. of the year 2003 of our lord Jesus Christ.
But do I want to see Avnish as a Brand Ambassador for Fa bath soap, Priya pickles... No Sir, Thank you I have had enough of you Avnish SOB.
Something about Bazee
This site is a over-hyped bidding site which simply doesnt deserve all the MS space being wasted on it. I will be happy the day Avnish closes his company .... or someone shoots him... saving me the agony of reading about him (SOB) in every other rev...
I am so sick of this Bazee that I have stopped eating any sort of Baajee. I simply puke when someone says Baazee to me (Wanna try ;))
Isnt it high time someone corrected their stuck-up Gramophone & moved on with life
Avnish Murdabad! Avnish Murdabad! Avnish Murdabad !
Looks like I am already on the way to Agra like rest of the crowd.