This online shoping site is not as good a amazon or flipcart. Once I ordered the popular earphones from this site sennheiser cx180 for which I paid 680rs. They delivered my order 2 days late. But it was fine until I got to know that the products were fake they werent originall. Thank god to that youtuber . Actually I was watching youtube videos and then suddenly I saw a video which had fake vs original sennheiser written on it so I watched that video and than I was totally shocked after watching that video because my earphones were fake. And thank god that it was just 2 days using tham so I contacted to the seller. They said thet they will change my earphones and it took almost 10-12 days and then I got new original earphones there is a lot of difference in sound quality in the original and fakes. But I learned three lesson from that
1- never shop again from ebay because you will get so many fake experiences on searching about ebay. They loose my trust
2- always watch a video on youtube or search on google regarding to the material which you are going to buy
3- shop from trusted sites like amazon or flipcart