As a long time seller on eBay with a 100% positive feedback rating, I have recently become more and more dissatisfied with their listing policies as they continue to evolve. I recently had a listing removed for violating policy. The item was a lot of antique toy key chain cap guns about 1.5 inches in length that were compliantly listed to eBays policy by having a orange cap affixed to the end of the barrel. What the policy doesnt tell you is that the orange cap has to be affixed by the manufacturer albeit something that the manufacturers did not and were not required to do 40 years ago.
The customer service representative I spoke with could not tell me why the listing had been canceled 7 days into the auction? Very disappointing eBay! So my punishment is a 3-day suspension by eBay for listing items. They can take my suspension and extend it indefinitely as Im done with them. Ive put up with their increasing listing fees, poor customer service, and misinformation in their listing policies longer than I should have.