EBAY REF: Order Id: 252095257691-1724235716015 Dtd 29.09.15 / Item ID: 252095257691 / PaisaPay ID 40545453533 / Final Ref: SR# 1-59320675408
I had purchased a PHILIPS SA4ACT04KN 4G MP3 PLAYER through eBay on 29th Sept, 2015, and was despatched by its vendor, M/s rhythmics69. The item turned out to be non-working.
In terms of eBays explicit PaisaPay Guarantee, they are expected to take ownership of a defective delivery, and arrange for its Return and Replacement/Refund. However, eBays team shrugged off by stating that this product would only be covered by the Manufacturers Warranty, while there is NOTHING on the product description page which shows the availability or precedence of any such warranty, over the EXPLICIT Guarantee of PaisaPay highlighted thereupon.
I eventually despatched the product back to the eBay seller, rhythmics69, on 8th October and he has confirmed receiving it back. The Seller has also written to EBAY acknowledging the defect, his inability to rectify it, and Authorising EBAY to REFUND the Amount Paid by me against a debit to his account.
The Seller further Confirmed to me that Ebay has confirmed the Refund as being under processing vide its email ref SR# 1-59320675408 to the Seller. HOWEVER, EVEN 3 WEEKS AFTER THIS ADVICE, EBAY HAS NOT REFUNDED MY AMOUNT. THEY HAVE EVEN STOPPED RESPONDING TO MY CONTINUING EMAIL AND PHONE REMINDERS.
Even their CEO does not respond to emails.
I will be taking recourse to STRONG LEGAL ACTION, both under IPC and Consumer Protections. I also request guidance from MouthShut Community on other possible actions against EBay for their spurious, fraudulent, and illegal business activities.
J Singh