I just wanted to tell for those who are surprised about high rating, I am the person who takes everything positively, hence I made every effort to highlight positive side of this website. This review is derived from my experience and analysis (after the experience). This review is very suitable for sellers but it also helps buyers or bidders. Interpreting and how you take this review is totally up to you, based on which community you belong, whether seller or buyer.
As I said earlier that this review is suitable for sellers. Actually this is only for sellers, all about what are the requirements to become a seller and how to deal with your customers (victims) and contingency plans.
Let us talk about the qualifications to become a seller.
Question: What is the qualification to become a seller ?
Answer :Virtually Nothing
Q:Virtually nothing ? Are you kidding?
A: No. I am not kidding.
The only qualifications you need are
No business ethics - Is a MUST to succeed.
Some knowledge of internet typing, copy and paste, downloading product pictures from the popular websites and pasting it.
Q: How to operate business?
A: Get what ever product pictures possible from the websites , get all the specifications and list them as products you are selling in ebay.in website. Copying pictures from other sellers listing is the easiest way to get the product listed with your ID.
Q: But I dont have any money to keep the product inventory.
A: Why do you need stock? Dont keep any stock. How can and Which customer will come and check whether you have stock or not? You can make monkey out of them. Once you get the order go to any shop and buy the items and send it to your customers. Even if there is any delay then customers will wait, because they have already made PAYMENT. Ebay.in does not bother whether you keep the product in stock or not. They are only interested in the money they are getting from your listing. Also you have to mention that 10 available for every product. This will give an impression to buyer that you are a big businessman. Dont bother about keeping stock , not even one item.
Q: Oh! Yes. Very good idea. But how to manage angry customers?
A: Thumb rule is NEVER REPLY to the customers emails. Replying emails to the customers complaints creates uninvited complications to your business. Customers can put the whole copy of your email in mouthshut.com. And if your grammar is not good then you will be insulted. No need to appoint qualified secretaries(it is unwanted expense).
Q: I have heard about Power Seller what is it ?
A: It is a logo basically to fool your customers, that you are a recognised seller. As per the ebay policy Power seller means having scores above 98%(that many successful deals). But dont worry even if your score is 70%, ebay.in will not strip your Power seller logo.
Q:Thank you for telling about Power seller. Now how can increase the feedback score ?
A: Tell all your friends to create ID in ebay and tell them to buy any cheaper items (for name sake) and ask them to put +ve feedback. This way, initially, without actually selling the item you can increase your score. These friends always helpful to increase your score when ever your score goes down.
Q: I need tips to on how to make more profit.
A: Yes. This is important. Everybody does business for profit. To do this, atleast you need to ditch 10% of your customers by not sending them product. This is s NET Profit for you.
Q: But it is crime. If I dont supply the goods to the customers, they will try by legal means to create problem to me.
A: It is true. That is why ditch customers for small amount like item of Rs. 40 etc. To get that 40 Rs from you by legal means, they will have to spend 40 years and 40, 000 rupees.
Ebay.in clearly says We can not force the seller to honour the sale. So you are safe.
Q: Thankyou for guiding and answering all my questions. Can I ask you a last question?
A: Ok. Go ahead.
Q: Do you think what ever ideas and tips you have told me, will work successfully?
A: Why not ? Thats what all the sellers in the Ebay.in are doing and having good business.