So far ive bought PC game CDs, Hand watches and a few other electronic stuff related to PC.
The electonic gadget I bought for my PC really doesnt work as per expectations or specifications. The not even worth scrap. Havent thrwon them out. it was hard on me for I had to pay for it.
The** watches I bought, worked fine for a months time. I had to give watches out for repair, I learnt the machines or gears of watch was made out of plastic hence it did not work the way they were soppuse to. had to replace the whole unit of the handwatches I bought online.
If you are a gamer, a PC gamer. ebay is the place for you. Ive made a collections of all the games I ver wanted in past adn the upcoming games. at most the game wld cost me Rs 200. Its obviuos they are pirate. the MRp of thsoe games is 1k+. The best thing of buying them on ebay unlike the pirate stores around colabe or bandra or elsewhere. The cds work. you dont have to run around the shopkeepers for replacing the game for its not working. Its shld be six sigma certified for dealing with pirated Game cds. out of all the games ive bought all are working never had any problem with anyone. and were delivered withing 5 buiz days.