Well I have been online on baazee-ebay since 3 years now ... wht I cal tell you that Baazee was a real community and ebay isnt ..
they have tried to create a virtual selling place but unable to repalce baazee.
Their POLICIES are not something that can run for long in INDIA.
Last year baazee started making profits .. this year ebay will start making bigger losses ........
Dont beleive me -- well check out the site --- try buying or sellig .. the worst part of buyign and selling on ebay is PAISA PAY -- you never know when you end up loosing money.
both buyers and sellers are at a risk at ebay .. bcoz the conditions are not at all favourable for sellers , , they might end up dissapointing the buyer out of frustration due to ebay’s foolish policies.
here ebay has lost all its quality sellers who had sold more than 1000 products on baazee with out any disputes or fraud complaints ... now the new breed of sellers are definetly UNRELIABLE !!! BEWARE BUYERS -- and Good by old SELLERS -- I know wht you are sufering !!