I prefer checking on bargains in USA on sites like compusa and staples which I get my bro to pack them up and ship to india...
so I decided why not try baazee.
Here are some fundamentals which I learnt about baazee.
1) Never list your own products... they will never get seen !!!! People logically click on Whats hot and 1 paise auction so your listing will be be deep inside hard to find and you will only endup frustrated.
2) Better check out products at Mohameed Ali Rd (near Crawford Market) you will be shocked at the prices there... these sellers on baazee sell at 150 to 200% margins!!!
3) All products are sold by retailers (because your listing is not visible) who want to dump their dead stock at MRP or higher than that.
4) The Mobile phone and electronic items are definitely rigged... Why the F would a person bid on baazee 1 paise auction for a chinese DVD player higher than MRP !!! and it happens every day!!! Why would a person bid for a Nokia 3115 for 4000 when its available in shop for the same price or even lower???
5) Actual product price by seller including shippment Rs. 46.. listing his product for 1 Paise auction and delivery charges Rs. 65 per piece.... check the rediculous prices delivery charged by sellers on auctions.... then what the F is the 1 paise auction about !!!!
6) The new rippoff... baazee points... You are supposed to buy totally useless products at rediculosly high prices and use that credit only once for bidding for the 90% discount product.. Well you might end up being a winner on spending that money on the lottery tickets than on baazee.
In a shop atleast you can see the product.. feel it and judge its price... which is not possible on baazee which is the biggest draw back because the baazee sellers are not trustworthy in disclosing the price and quality of product ...
What if you want a refund or warranty issues.... pay for courier charges again which would make it cost 3 times the amount you could have bought from Crawford market...
I finally feel the entire thing is a rippoff... and my cupboard is full of stuff which I would never have bought otherwise... and I am poorer by about 3000 bucks bidding on baazee.