Cart2india and are duping customers by non delivery of products, fake products and no refunds.
There is increasing doubts in minds of netizens and online shoppers that cart2india and ebay are same company. While there are very few complains against Indian sellers on ebay there a million complains against so called international shippers like cart2india on ebay.
This is the modus operandi to dupe:
1) Will list a product at competitive price and customers buys a product
2) For international shipping the time line is 15 days. They will sit tight for 15 days, on last day ask for extension and you give extension.
3) Then on last day of extension they will give a fake tracking id of Chronos Courier to circumvent ship or refund clause of paisa pay.
4) You wait for 15 days more, and there is no delivery.
5) You raise refund request on ebay
6) seller or ebay on behalf of seller places a hold request.
7) Then seller will suppy a fake POD saying this is the delivery proof.
8) You shout at ebay customer care after buring your telephone bill for 30 minutes and 5 tries
9) Nothing happens as refund executive will say that seller has given a POD, with fake sign etc, your claim gets rejected.
10) You now have to go to court for the meagre amount, say Rs 2000-5000
This is running on since last 2 years and the seller is not banned. Somebody told me, this company is owned in benami ebay people like many other such benami sellers on ebay. I had gone through the entire process on paisapay id - 32013183545
For more complains Check So, online customers beware of EBAY and CART2INDIA !!!!