Because I am orderd a mi piston headphone on ebay in cash on delyvery at 195+50(delyvery charge).they are say the particular product reach on 7 working day but I wait 20 days or more but no any call and contact not anything then I track bluedart company and there wrote out for delyvery I say good finaly today the product came on my hand but not happend as will wish the after more 5 days track the product and still out for delly very I am shoked.after 25 days I call the bluedart very deficalty to find the nearest hub first day call no answer the call next day I call there a person resived the call I will ask what the product news they are say your area is out of dely very arey I say ok but you are not calling me they are sorry and say come to this hub I say ok next day I will go the sonarpur(kolkatta) hub and then the bluedart hub person say your product dont find but tracking details are say my product or on this hub and they are saysorry and say tomorrow we will find the product dellyvery your location I will say on but tomorriw no call no email and nothing .and I will no enquary about the product and now past more 30 dayes