Here I am .. flaunting my unofficial status as a Baazeegar on mouthshut ...
Frankly I would never have come across this article if it would not have been backlashed in such a manner by a certain profound user of mouthshut (MS ID amrita)
Here she claims that Baazee is 1% real and 99% FRAUD !! and that the entire clan of Baazee were dying to have a word with her .... which I find highly humorous coz me being an ardent user on the mentioned site have NEVER faced any such incident on Baazee.
Now I wonder, if its ONLY me Baazee is serving coz I have successfully BID and WON on several of their products and have spent quite some time and money, but to my full satisfaction.
Not once in the past 3 years since Baazee launched have I come across a seller who is NOT genuine and not once have I had to wait for a transaction to get done.
Baazee is one of the most technically sound site (not many users know anything about this) and its FUN not having to leave your chair in the office and yet have the freedom to pickup stuff which one would otherwise have no time for ....
I would kindly appeal to TEAM BAAZEE for not paying any undue attention to such mindless ranting by some self appointed Queen of Cringe out on a vendetta against anything ....
Baaki sab theek. Keep improving. Your MAX BID is a HIT only screwup is user has to have an ONLINE account : Im gettin one now :)