Hi all,
I had one of the worst experience at Baazee.. It was my first purchase and I purchased from a user who was rated as a super seller by Baazee. Sent his Rs 8300.00 but he cheated me..
Later I complained to Baazees fraud watch.. The replys were verry late and no results even after 3 months.. I scanned all the proof and sent it as attachement as requested by them (sending it by post was optional).. After which I received no reply.. After lots of pestering I got a mail asking me to send the hard copy.. which I later sent.. Then I receive a mail stating that my case was closed since my mail reached them 7 days late.. What kind of nonsense is that.. They had neven informed me about any due dates.. and now I am left helpless....
If I dont receive a reply from them in another 10 days.. I am surely taking them to court.. I am damm sure of giving them negative publicity.. for what they have done to me..
All these problems for trusting Baazee... I will never shop there again.
Added on 24th March
Well it looks like I might change my opinion. Received a mail from Baazee saying that my case has been reopened. And it looks like they are going to send me money under some buyer protection scheme. No idea how much they would send. The money I lost was Rs 8300.00 (2 items). Lets see.. They require some more proof which I will be sending tommorow.. I will write here as soon as I get to know the result of the buyer protection scheme under which they have promised to send me the money....
Added later
When I went through the reviews I came across a review where the user was cheated by a baazee super seller by name manoj. Username:- funkystuff. I was also cheated by the same fellow... It looks like a lot of people where cheated by the same fellow.. If the customer care had taken care they could have stoped him in the initial period itself where reports of cheating by him poured in.. But they acted too late.. One thing I see at baazee is the seller is given more priority when compared to the buyer... Hope they change this attitude..
Added later on 29th April 2003
I received a mail from Baazee saying that they have sent me a cheque for Rs 7950.00. After all I think baazee respects its customers... I thank baazee for getting me my money back. I saw some good customer service from them at the end. The only problem is that they are quite slow in dealing with these cases, I think they should some what change their model to become more trusted... Any way not bad after all.. Baazee is surely improving... Best of luck to baazee team.. And thanks to mouthshut:)