heres what baazee did to me ., see the mail below and understand. they just struck me off because I did not train with them .
I strongly suggest that baazee look at their policiies and stop harassing customers, maybe they have become too big for what they are. What Baazee needs to understand is thet customers are everything and can make or break them .
Avinish, I hope you are reading this and will do something about it !
Dear Swapna,
Many thanks for disapproving me as a seller. However the following points need to be taken into consideration before taking such a step
I was approved as a seller initially when I signed up for the site and no condition for training was ever asked or put up or communicated to me. Your site had only checked my address and contact details and gone ahead and approved the membership.
There is no clause in the agreement where it says that I need to undergo any sort of training , please refer to the link here.
As it was never mentioned in the terms I am not liable to be trained and rememeber these rules have been put in place by you.
- Some persons from Baazee kept calling me and threatening me with the removal of my membership if I did not get trained with them. Now I get a mail from you fulfilling the threat.
I take this as high handedness on part of baazee and consider this illegal.You cannot impose conditions as and when you like.
I urge you to reinstate my membership at the earliest without any of these conditions forced on me .
Also this is without prejudice to my rights as a consumer and I reserve the right to take legal action on Baazee.
Pramod Pal Singh
--- Seller Monitoring <sellermonitoring@baazee.com> wrote:
> Dear Pramod,
> This is with regards to your request for Manual
> Verification.
> We wish to inform you that we will not be able to
> enable your Baazee ID : mailtopps as seller , as we
> understand our Delhi team has got in touch with you
> several times for the Baazee Academy Training
> however you have been constantly declining the same
> , as the reason of which we have marked you as not a
> enabled seller on our site i.e you will not be able
> to sell on our site.
> We once again request you to come for the Baazee
> Academy training at our Delhi office after which we
> shall review your case for enabling your Baazee ID
> as seller.
> We look forward to have you as a seller on our site.
> You would appreciate this is a step taken to protect
> the interest of users on the site.
> Warm Regards
> Swapna Sawant
> Baazee Community Protection
> https://baazee.com
> Indias Biggest Marketplace
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> on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. In such
> case, you should destroy this message and kindly
> notify the sender by reply email.Baazee sends
> e-mails using the domain baazee.com (@baazee.com)
> and hence any mails received from any other e-mail
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