Im following eBay for about 8 months. Have checked various items as well as buyers feedback. Being skeptical of eCommerce website and to play safe, I cross-checked the feedback of so-called genuine buyers. I was surprised to see that most of the sellers have manipulated the feedback. Either by asking/convincing buyers to change negative feedback to positive - or at least to neutral. What is most surprising (or rather shocking) is that there are several fake buyers who have posted "good" feedback on the sellers.
A good search will show you that some buyers has purchased several smart phones within a month (who as an individual buyer will need 4-5 expensive smart phones) or have purchased the same items from the same seller several times within a week (in one instance that I checked - 4 purchases of the same item in just one single day). Simply its to dilute the negative feedback from the genuine buyers or to increase their positive feedback percentage to lurk innocent buyers.
After all, the psychology Of buyers says that if there is some positive feedback, they can try it once. eBay should/must have a mechanism which can check the authenticity of the feedback. ...but who cares in India and give a damn to genuine customer services.