Of recent times, ebay has become the preferred channel for unethical and fraudulent sellers in India. If you look at ebays India forums, there are hundreds of buyers who feel cheated and have not received their refunds for problems with their purchases.
This is one of the primary reasons for me to have switched loyalty to PayTM and Amazon even though 5-6 years ago, I used to frequently order items from ebay.
The concern here is that I tried to avail the ebay guarantee as per the rules, but the claim was blindly rejected stating that I didnt raise the claim within 10 days of receiving the item. The rules say that it has to be done within 10 days of the ETD and that is what I had done. Even the senior management of ebay India dont seem to care about customer concerns.
Now as per the rules, I can raise a claim within 10 days of theestimated date of delivery. In my case it was showing as 22-26 August. I had raised the claim on the 5th of Sep which falls within 10 days of upper limit of ETD.(Ref: #b3060311bf7f4fad9c3e7e1a6c687ef8#)
I had emailed the seller even before ordering the item telling them to make sure they are sending the mobile holder clamp as they have advertised. They responded saying they would. The USP of this particular listing itself is the clamp.
The item is sold at much lesser price by other sellers and other sites such as PayTM is giving fabulous cashbacks bring down the effective price of this product to about 400 Rs. Yet only for getting the specific clamp shown in the image, I paid 700 for this item and ordered through ebay.
Right after I received the item, I mailed the seller as per ebay guarentee policy but they didnt respond to my email. I have been really busy and have been travelling and hence I couldnt take this up sooner. But yet while waiting for a flight I managed to raise a claim but that got rejected.
Of late I have noticed that sellers are least concerned about their star rating. Previously they used to ensure that the customer gets the right product and in good condition. However both items that I ordered recently turned out to be defective. I ordered swimming goggles whose colour was different from the listing and was also damaged. I took that as a loss because I didnt have the time to be running after the seller and trying to send the item back.
ebay is now becoming the platform for such fraudulent sellers. I am an avid online purchaser and the reason why I opted out of ebay and have been loyal to Amazon and PayTM is primarily because half the products I receive by sellers listing items on ebay end up being defective. Last year I had ordered a JBL Bluetooth Speaker which became faulty within a few days of use and JBL refused to honour warranty sinceebay is not a listed seller according to them. Right after the delivery of the item, the seller also disappeared from ebay
The photograph on the right is the clamp I received instead of the clamp mentioned in the listing.