I was always wary of internet offering things at a price, with claims of it being cheaper and best buys. After lotsa persuation by my friend, I tried registering on baazee. Also read reviews on MS and was little reluctant to try shopping with only 39% recommendation.
The site is fast to load, the registrations is ok, routine, but come to selecting products to choose for buying and there lies the theme of any auction site. I must say that if the reviews in MS are true, then certainly Baazee has come a long way as an auction site. With a good categorisation and sufficient products to choose from many categories, its been a cool experience on finding the right product. Though there are many categories missing and some dont have even reasonable products for sale, the functionalities of payment modes, asking sellers questions before bidding and taking help of baazee team in clarifying issues is definitely not so terrible as some of the reviews made them.