I love ebay its the best site/app.it provides the best service to its customers and the app is just awesome its inference is so good and user friendly the discount is just awesome the service is so good and the delivery facility is also nice you can even read the reviews of a products .the choices are many for home utility and digital gadgets their are so many choices.
Many people use to say that the products are not good so its the fault ofthe site but I dont think its true if a product is not good then its not their fault the site makers can not use or check every product and tell you purchase it its good they are just responsible for providing services and in that context its awesome afterall the products are of different companies not of the shopping sites have you ever heard ebay shirt, trouser or ebay smartphone xyz. lol! so just judge a site on the basis of services not goods how is the product going to be depends on your choice and luck not the site but ya the discount n services section comes under them