Online shopping is an easy and convenient way to shop. I can shop online at my convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and it takes less of my time to shop online because I do not need to travel to the store but can complete my shopping at my convenience in a short time. Ebay is the website I have used most often for online purchases.
The website offers a large variety of merchandise and provide good security for the buyer who is using a credit card to complete a purchase. It also offers some protection if the buyer is unhappy with the quality of the merchandise received. I have also been generally pleased with the speed of their service and time of delivery. The website also sells merchandise that may be difficult to find in local retail outlets.
There is always a concern however that the buyers credit card details may be compromised leading to credit card fraud. Another difficulty with online shopping is that pictures alone can be misleading and the buyer does not have an opportunity to physically examine the product before purchasing.
Ebay has made the online experience relatively easy with fast and easy checkout procedures. But if a buyer wants the products within a short time frame then there is often a premium price to pay for speedier delivery service. The buyer also needs to be at home when the product is delivered for fastest receipt of an order. One of the most frustrating aspects of online shopping is returning a product that is not satisfactory. The buyer must contact the seller to obtain return shipping instructions, re-package and ship the defective product back to the seller. The buyer does not receive a credit for the return in a timely manner unlike personal shopping where the buyer receives the return credit immediately.