This is one of the site which I hate to visit. It calls itself a auction site, but actually there is no auction.
Every item listed on this site is new and starts with its actual MRP. These guys at baazee.coms are fooling people.
I hate to see the biding price listed for items. It say bid at one paisa, and when you go to bid for the the item, your next bid is for 15000 rupees.
And the most irritating part of it is the reserve price? All the items have a reserve price. And the most funniest part of it is that very few item meet
the reserver price. Another thing I want to mention is the about the sellers. The seller are not the common people wanting to sell item, but most of them
are the retailer who want to get rid of their suff atr MRP. This is especially for electronic and mobile phones. You are wasting your time and money
visiting such useless site called