I purchased Samsung Microwave Oven CE108 from ebay seller basco4u on 10th April 2013. The product was shipped on 19th April 2013 i.e. after 9 days whereas ebay has a policy of refunding the order if not shipped within 5 days of order. Further, the ebay seller did not send Starter-kit along with Microwave which is supplied free of cost along with each Samsung Microwave..I raised ebay guarantee claim which was rejected by ebay on flimsy grounds.
On top of it, the negative feedback given by me to the seller has been removed by ebay today arbitrarily whereas ebay mentions that feedback given to the seller cannot be removed.
Further, ebay publicizing under ebay guarantee for 100% customer satisfaction or refund. This is total lie & there is no truth as may be seen from above. They dont ;listen the grievances of the customers and no policy of 100% customer satisfaction is practiced by ebay.
I request all not to believe ebay and dont buy goods from them as ebay is the worst site in the industry.