My companion requested a pendrive off ebay and it would warm up like a microwave broiler subsequent to utilizing it for 5 mins. One other companion requested dresses for his sister, and they didnt end up being in the same class as they looked on the site.
Fundamentally, requesting things on ebay is generally a bet that doesnt pay off a great deal of the time. I wouldnt suggest. I opened the pressing and saw the item. The item was harmed and their were such a large number of scratches on it. I began utilizing it however tragically it was nt working legitimately. I suddent turned out to be so dissapointed and gave back the thing. I needed to give 200 Rs to send my item through the dispatch to Bangalore . As the item was come to them. They conned me so seriously. They did nt gave back my cash. I reached them such a large number of times.
They let you know will recover the money on time however I was sitting tight for such a large number of days bt it was nt returned. I reached again bt they quit reacting. I was tricked seriously. So ready this is the extortion site. They send you harmed item and even dont return the cash so be carefull. Try not to attempt to purchase any item from this internet shopping webpage.