I am using ebay.in from three years. It is very good site. When just started there are many offers every week.
They always send free coupons to their registered users like 50 off on 55, 105 off on 100, so at just 5 rupees I have collected many useful things from ebay, specially Tupperware bottles and lots of fox candy boxes at just 10 rupees each.
Recently they have send offer like 16 GB sandisk pen drive at just 79 rupees. I liked that offer. They also send 100 off on 110 last month, I have used that.
Customer service is good but sometimes we have to wait long.
Tracking of products easy, even last year I want to buy a product at discount, actual cost was 150 rupees and by applying discount code I got same product at 100, but there was one condition 50 off on 155, so I called that seller and asked him to increase its price to 155, he did it and I received discount.
So, we can bargain also, they shipped quickly. Refund system also very good.
Overall, for good offers in Dry fruits or Tupperware, first I always comes to ebay.in