Bad personal experience with eBay . Though we get a lot of variety of products on eBay it is great but not satisfied with the sellers or service it is providing. We cannot judge the products properly on eBay. The prices are also completely difficult to judge. The shipping charges on many products listed are really high. Many items can be found at really lesser price at other websites or new trending e commercial sites or apps. eBay has large or huge amount of products listed. But the quality of some products that the different sellers provide vary a lot and no assurance that it would be good.
There are issues in delivery as well. Once an incident happened with me. I ordered Bluetooth USB for my car. Paid for the order via my debit card. The order was placed successfully. No issued while placing order and my transaction was successful. They mailed me after 4-5 days that my product has been shipped and will let me know when it reaches my city and it can be tracked further for updates of the product location. It took almost a week or 7-8days to reach my town and then day as I woke up what I see a message to me after 15 days that the product has been delivered to you, thanks for shopping with the so n so seller. I was shocked to see the message since it did not reach at my place and I was worried since I had already paid for it and they have done such a blunder by delivering it at a wrong location and not properly cross checked the person to whom they delivered it. I sent them the mail. No response for a day. I sent the mail to the both seller and the eBay itself. Then afterwards I was given a no. of courier company and my shipment no. I personally had to contact the courier and had to ask for my product that was delivered at the wrong location. I had a conversation with them they told me to wait for next 24 hours while they check and they will inform but I have to again call them after 24 hours and then told that it was by the mistake of the courier guy that he did not delivered this product and it was lying at his place only. They asked for my address again and then finally after lots of callsand mails I got my product. It was such harassment and atleast I expected better reply from ebay but they did not help me with my issue.