the name straight away tells you the purpose. The Indias leading online market place (auction successfully closed). whcih started out as an simple auction site has now turned it self into targeted marketing communtiy.
The succes of is notable here. The site has grown termendously overt the period of time while all other .coms have been failing. The policy of this auction site is very much secured and you can make the tansaction very comfortabily. The another feather in the cap of this site is the avilabltiy of all kinds of product. The site has a good range of products to bargain for. The site also acts as an stand out product review place, as people first of all can take a preview of the product. The delivery features like COD(cash on delivery) makes buying much more simpler for people without credit cards.
The only things that I dont find sufficient here is the marketing strategy of this company. They concentrate more on placing your products then making people buy them. The another one is bad layout of products. Sometimes you find wrong kind of products in wrong kind of places.
All in all I give a 4/5 rating for providing such a good marketing infrastructure.