“my experiences on Ebay” - So sins 2 Months im on EBAY too ! Were I try to bay an Handy on a good price ! Witch is not so easy like I was finking ! For information of differen Item Prices the Site is good ! but to get something in a cheap price witch cost normaly expensif thats not so easy to get it on Ebay like everybody is finking! I tried sins 4 Weeks to get a Samsung S4 for a good Price an I failed all the time .
I can not undersand Peoples on Ebay witch a abel to pay 100 Euro for a used an skratched phone witch I can get on Ebay for 180 Euro NEW ! an dont forget that this Model of Phone is alrady an old Modell because nouw you can get alrady the S6 an in a cupple of Months you get the S7 or S7 EDGE an so ! so thats a big concerne to me on EBAY . I have tryed different pourchased systhems but no luk to me !