Amazing as it may seem for our alleged arrogance, both Suvir and I really respect the voice of the consumer and are perplexed as to what we have done to invite personal vitriol of this intensity. Generating PR hype at the height of the dot com boom was par for course, and establishing a new brand really quickly requires disproportionate amounts of spending and media coverage. That the coverage was around individuals was not our intent, it was what our PR agency felt would make the stories the most interesting given the amount of the dot com hype at the time. Do we think that there is any correlation between founder personalities and what baazee is about - only to the extent that it helps baazee deliver more value to its customers and shareholders and not otherwise!
However, it is not the personal attacks that matter to us - it is what you guys think of the company and the product. To this end, let me be the first to acknowledge that we have had our own share of problems - be it mistakes that we have made, problems that we have had with getting our technology platform stabilized, issues with respect to customer fraud etc. That said, which large successful company has been built flawlessly overnite ?! There are a number of well known parallels that one can draw here, but I will leave it up to this well read, web savvy and articulate group.
All I would request is that instead of questioning our integrity of intent (which I can assure you is well meaning), please do question our success at delivering upon that intent and send along as much constructive feedback to us as possible. We have a number of fundamental initiatives underway which will dramatically decrease negative experiences while simultaneously giving an exponential boost to the positive experiences. Our intent is genuinely to create a platform which enables seamless consumer to consumer and business to consumer trading of goods and services - and the alleged activities of shilling etc. (i.e. bidding on our own auctions to drive the price up) will put us out of business faster than you can say our name! The entire management team and all the employees of baazee (even excluding the demonic founders) are comprised of savvy professionals like yourselves who give their heart and soul to making this company operate upon its fundamental values of integrity and customer centric thinking amongst others. And we are committed to hearing about our faults and to acting upon to rectify them. Like everyone else, we do fall down at times but do our best not to stay down.
Dont give up on us just yet - we are in it for the long haul and believe me will look to you all to help us get there. Our eyes and ears are wide open for opinions on how we are doing and I look forward to monitoring this forum to this effect. I am sure that the tenor and content of comments will improve as we deliver to our vision and commitment.
Thank you for taking the time to read this note.