Hi today I will tell you about ebay .in.
Ebay: It is big website for buying online things. It has lots of products and also sellers.
Let talk about website: In website there no guidance given to us. It has low level web page means home page. It dose not include as much thing as amazon. It has also some worst quality products selling seller. It is not good as app.
Let talk about shipment: It has worst shipment program. It has not its own delivery. Always it ships with different courier.
It takes lot of time to reach product. Delivery is very weak. It is not all over world. It has not cash delivery. It has no review option. It in cludes paisapay. Quality of products is wooooorrrrrrssssttttttttttttttt.
When I bought I was facing this problem.
So I consder that do not buy from it.