I always had a desire to buy a handycam.i thought , let me get some smart option from Internet auctions this time.Little bit of search on Google led me to eBay, the comprehensive Online shopping portal.The portal of course is great and you most get the product you wish to buy.
You have two choices: Buy it Now on listed price or Bid for the product. As a smart buyer , I though I should Bid for the products.It was really interseting to bid as the atrt price of most of the product is Rs.1.00..Everyday I used to bid and check wther I win or Loose... After one month on such excercise , I realize that IT IS JUST A WASTE OF TIME.I could clearly observer that On last day, each product is finally offerred at a price higher or equivilent to Market Price and all this BIDDING IS a GIMMIC.
The seller never sells the product at a price that is LOWER than the market price and perhaps at the end BID for the product himslef.Add to this is the Hidden Cost wrt Accessories, Insuarance, Shipping, Taxes and more... I was very delighted when The Handycam , I won in a Bid was offered to me at Rs.13900.00 with a saying that its list price is Rs.21000.00. However, on enquiring from the local market I gound the same is available at 12000.00 along with the accessories like Handybag and Cassattes. Moreover the seller was further asking for a shipping cost and WAS NOT OFFERRING SUCH ACCESSORIES AT ALL. OOPS, A waste of time and energy with no end results.
Suggest you all , if at all you are doing Online shopping, better buy the product at BUY IT NOW price instead wasting your time in AUCTIONS, as I must repeat .. ALL ONLINE AUCTIONS AND BIDs ARE JUST A GIMMIC...!!!