eBay is excellent, I love it, I am crazy about it!!! That was how I used to react when anyone used to talk with me about it before.
After experiencing in, ill say, ITs JUST FOR WINDOW SHOPPING
Why? Go to eBay, you will see for yourself. Majority of these people are what I will call ONLINE CHEATERS
You will amazingly find almost every other listing starting from Re 1.Thank god! eBay doesnt allow free stuff or they would have priced it Rs. 0 Now THE DIRTY CATCH The price of these items are compensated by the SHIPPING COSTS Can you believe that sellers charge as much as Rs. 2000 (or may be beyond that) just for shipping the item within the city!!! And you better dont dare to tell them that you will pick up the product and pay them Re.1 , because all such sellers write very politely in their listing PICK-UPs ARE NOT POSSIBLE
Now, if you somehow find a product which has reasonable shipping costs and less cost, Dont get happy and Bid! Check out the insurance which they very politely mention is COMPULSORY.
Lets be very optimistic and ASSUME that you find a product which has reasonable cost, shipping and insurance charges...what will you do? Bid for it? Ha ha ha ha...Wait check out the BRAND It may be an ASAI camera instead of AKAI. Or a Duplicate Sony USB MP3 Player which is the HOT item now-a-days on eBay.
Now, ASSUME everything goes well and you finally bid for an item. What next? You have to pay first! Now the risks involved are:
You may not receive the product in the said condition,
The seller may send you a damaged product and tell you later that the goods were damaged in shipping, so he isnt responsible!
And other such risks which the poor buyer has to bear!
Also let me tell you what happened with me. There is this AGP Graphic Card, nVIDIA GeForceFX5200, which I saw on eBay for Rs.2400, my friend got it from lamington road for Rs.1800 Until I came across eBay, I thought internet was making the consumer aware of actual prices of goods so that they dont end up being cheated. But now I believe there are people, like those who dont read reviews on MOUTHSHUT, who are being cheated by these unscrupulous online cheaters!!!
Final piece of advice: eBay is for window shopping. Visit it just for time pass.
Thank you for reading.