Review : I just read review by some guys who claim to be great shakes but actually they are disgruntled guys because they put up something for auction and did not succeed in selling their stuff and moreover they never compare baazee in detail with other similar sites like Ebay.
I think baazee is a great great site and much more user friendly and easier to navigate then any other site. For eg. This site is so badly designed that I have to virtually stick my eyes in the screen to search for a button. is one of the most easy sites to locate things in but the best so far as visibility is concerned is It is head and shoulders above any website I have come across. Prior to sale of it was an even better site. You got an email from customer care for even the smallest things and the response was 5 times as fast as ebay.
One very important thing on was customer -sales people interaction , they are co-operative they are prompt and they are accurate. Buying on can be fun but baazee does not screen stuff from sellers that can be a bit irritating , I have bought about half a dozen things on baazee and not one of them was value for money.
Baazee has to absolutely stamp out any fraudulent seller or those overcharging and for this my suggestion is that they appoint some agents in certain cities who should order stuff at random on baazee and then should check whether the seller has been insincere and fraudulent and penalise such sellers.
Unless the quality of stuff improves this site is going to loose members. Now the great things about . First of all you can appeal against a negative rating on whereas you cannot do that on ebay and this thing happens a hell lot of times with surfers like me. Perhaps ebay does not want to put in that extra work to assess appeals against negative ratings.
Any inquiry on ebay takes an eternity to be answered. Another very great advantage of baazee and which might change very soon - in certain modes of selling on you do not have to pay a commission for just listing your items whereas ebay charges you for every listing and the listing fee is just the tip of the iceberg there are a hell lot of hidden charges like final value fee and what not. But there is one huge advantage on ebay which is not there on the members cannot be anonymous you have to have a valid email or you have to put your credit card information not the 3 digit bit but the name and address.
So it is rather late to suggest improvements to baazee cos they are already sold out but if they want the site to flourish they got to screen members and ensure compliance with buying and selling rules.
Lastly I was hugely upset when Avnish Bajaj was arrested I agree he was the overall responsible guy but they did not need to arrest him they could just have imposed some kind of fine. It is really really ridiculous.