Shortlisted 3 cupboards formt eh gurgaon store. Went twice to ensure that one was taking the corrrect decision and that it suited our purpose. met the same sales (D sharma) person both time.
Just before placing the final order and paying the advance, happened to ask them if all the cupboards were from gautier and then came the shocker that only one was and the other 2 were some other lesser brand.
When my wife asked him why he had not mentioend this, mr. sharma informs her (very rudely) that he is under no obligaiton to tell her the same and says we are the first customers who have wasted so much of hsi time!!!
ver very poor service, ill-trained staff....especially for such expensive stuff. this is where high end Indian retail (especially in delhi) fails. the importers pinch pennies on hiring and training staff that is needed for selling such goods and services.