I recently came across a stall in Cosmos mall in Bangalore. It was from a company not much heard of(by me) called Eco Crystal. I was impressed to hear that they have a product called RO Attache with can work with existing UV filter(if its already in use by us like the aquaguard one). The idea is UV filter doesnt soften the water but kills the germs.
So I purchased this RO filter. Water gets purified by the existing UV filter which I have at home. The outlet of this UV water filter is fed to this ecocrystal RO filter equipment. It reduced the hardness of water from 650 PPM to 33 PPM. The water tastes great. I had to spent only 4300 Rs INR on this. Now I have a 5 stage purification at home. The other products available like Kent or Zero B or Aquaguard cost anywhere around 14000 Rs. This company is located in Whitefield Road in Bangalore. I found an economical way.
Its just a month since I got this device installed. The output rate is approx 15+ litres an hour. I am personally satisfied. I am telling this because those who have existing UV filters and are drinking hard water can consider this option