Edge of Tomorrow is the movie by Doug Liman starring Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt and Bill Paxton. This is about a military officer being brought into an alien invasion and saying him to fight the aliens.
At first I thought this is going to be an average movie that we have seen a thousand times. By Oh boy was I wrong. This movie was very entertaining. I was in the edge of my seat from the start to the end of the movie. Tom Cruise was really good in the movie. The Dejavu thing they did in the movie was very different and really good. To the people who doubt the caliber of Tom Cruise should definitely see this movie.
The movie was not well received in the box office even though the ratings where good. Emily Blunt did her role really well. All the other actors in the movie where event though they had only little to do.
The aliens in this movie are really fast and frighting. The CGI in this movie was exceptional. The music is also worth the mention. Doug Liman did a great job with directing this movie.
Overall the movie is really entertaining and is worth the watch.