Though I was originally planning on living in London when I first arrived in the UK, one visit to Edinburgh was enough to change my mind. The history, the people, the overall feel of the place… you just cant beat it.
[Though before you read any further, I should warn you: Im a little biased. Having spent the greater part of my life in Brisbane (where the oldest building is less than 100 years old), you can probably guess why a place with a huge, majestic castle and buildings dating back to the 14th century would have just a teensy effect on me.]
The castle is simply amazing… Id never seen anything like it close up before. Now that Ive been in Britain for almost two years its a different story, but I still think Edinburgh Castle beats the hell out of the rest of the castles Ive seen throughout the country. Although the £7 entry fee put me off actually going inside it for a while, Im very glad I did. The audio tour was extremely informative and interesting, and the live re-enactments were amusing and entertaining.
Edinburgh night-life is pretty hard to beat too. Populated largely by Uni students and backpackers, there is a very young feel to the place. From pubs like Biddy Mulligans and Bannermans to the more upmarket bars like The Three Sisters (where I worked for around 3 months) and Siglos, to nightclubs like the Peppermint Lounge and Espionage, there is definitely something for everyone. Unlike England the pubs are generally open until 1am (3am around Christmas-time) and the clubs until 3am (5am).
Hostel accommodation is plentiful, and generally around £10/night for a dorm bed (many also have cheaper weekly rates). Though I never actually stayed in a hostel here (opting to crash on a friends floor until I found a flat) I have had several recommended to me: the Castle Rock Hostel (15 Johnston Terrace, 0131 225 9666), Princes Street West Backpackers (3/4 Queensferry Street, 0131 226 2939) and Brodies Backpackers Hostel (12 High Street, 0131 556 6770).
For internet access, there is now an EasyEverything on Rose Street. However if youre looking for somewhere a little smaller and friendlier, with cheap and tasty meals, Web 13 on Bread Street is slightly more expensive but much more pleasant (though again I may be biased - I worked here for a while too).
Another great place to go for food is the Fire Station Pub (just near the Grassmarket). They have main meals for around £3 (including steak!) and burgers and snacks for even less.
The one thing I felt a little let down on by in Edinburgh was Hogmanay - I was there for the 1999-2000 celebrations, and it was just ridiculous. I dont know quite what I was expecting, but loads of drunken people stumbling around and vomiting wasnt quite it. Though I guess the same probably could have been said for every other major city in the world that night.
There are of course many other attractions that I havent gone into detail about - historical monuments (eg Scotts monument and the statue of Greyfriars Bobby), theatres (I saw a wicked production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show at Kings Theatre) and independent movie cinemas. Id also recommend going on a Ghost Tour - you might not actually see a ghost but theyre generally a laugh and quite informative.
So if youre going to Scotland, Edinburgh is definitely worth a visit. Say hi to the castle for me - I miss it! :)
[For more info on Edinburgh see]