Ive completed 2 courses in Edit, which lasted for 6 months nearly. Ive also been a Faculty in Edit for 6 months. Well.. I thought that I can write a fair review on EDIT.
Well to begin with EDIT was doing very well, in terms of the no of centers in bangalore, and the no of student they managed to enroll. This was the time when Web Design was flourishing, and loads of Hollywood Animation and special effects movies were being made. Edit did catch on to this craze and project themselves as THE MULTIMEDIA institue to learn. Well they were successfull to an extent. At one point of time there were 6-8 Centers all over Bangalore(not sure of the exact no.). I must also say that ALL THESE CENTER WERE FUNCTIONING UNDER DIFFERENT MANAGEMENTS - UNDER THE BRAND NAME OF EDIT
EDIT did catch my attention and I did get enroll for photoshop. Well I was the luckiest I guess. I got the best faculty possible. They did place in an Advertising Agency.
Since I was impressed by the faculties when I first enrolled, I joined for another course 3D Max. This was after oneandhalf years. I must say that I wasnt luckly this time. I got the worst possible faculty. I dont want to get into the detail of why I say that. But as a whole I blew 14K on 3DMax.
Thats when it struck that the faculties in EDIT are not professionals who have worked in that particular field.
So from a student point of view this was my opinion IF YOUR LUCKLY TO HAVE A GOOD INSTRUCTOR EDITS THE PLACE
After working for 2 years in the print field I joined EDIT as a faculty. Since Ive always wanted to teach, this was a good opportunity for me. I joined in one of EDITs Centers.
It was a nightmare. Again I dont want to get into the detail of why I say that. I worked for 6 months.
These are the few things that I noted in EDITs management.
They are not sure of the course structure.
No proper standard followed while appointing faculties
No standard method of teaching.
Placements werent good.
Like I have already said that all center funtion under differnet managements. In Bangalore from around 6-8 centers, only 1 is surviving now. Havent been there in a long time. So I cant comment on that Center. But from my previous experience there. The management is pretty good and they had good faculties and placements.
This is my final comment on Edit Unless there is an experienced faculty its not the place to learn. This goes for all institues.