Okay I have seen this movie like 100 times when I was young a few times more later on, and I had to review it Tim Burton best work till date and no doubht Johney Depps best film by far Edward ScissorHands, To talk about this film would take me days..this movie is an out and out Febal...meaning only if you are weak at heart will this movie have you going...The movie runs on emotions and a beautiful script. Apart from Rocky I have never felt so much for a chrecter like I did for edward..you really feel sorry for him. Never have I felt more sympathetic for a character before in my life. Edward Scissorhands...a creation..a product that is incomplete, but no do not think of it as a robat as it has a heart..
A big heart, the only thing that needed was complete was his hands. His so called farther dies before he can complete his hands which leaves him with scissor hands. An Avon lady comes later on and takes him from his current location to the world downstairs, he is to mix with the socitey and try to be "Normal" like a human being. He is in a world he is not use to and he has to learn to adapt, After making a home with the Boggs, Edward starts to have feelings for the daughter, Kim (Winona Ryder).
He looks at this one picture of Kim when he enters the house, he instatly can not stop looking at it, Kim has a ruthless boyfriend who is stubbon and a rich brat! Edward continues mixing with the society and being very much liked...Other things happen in the movie where the community starts disliking him and wants him to go home as he causes damage with his hands (Sicssors) when he does not mean to...Eg robbing Kims boyfriends dads house, because he can pick looks with his hands so Kims boyfriend uses him..He agreed to do it only because Kim asked him to...and offcourse he did it because he was in love with her. The film is about an unusual guy trying to fit it. They figure out at the end it was best to have left him up there where he was, as the community and the real word was not ready for him. The love story between Kim and Edward is hearttouching...What makes the story work between both are that there are little words and many moments that words would not evan do justice to. Some scene examples
. When edward sees Kims picture for the first time (his face expression says it all)
. When Kim asked if edward knew it was her boyfriends dads house he robbed...He said "he knew" and she asked "why did you do it"..and he replys "Because you asked me to"
. The scene where they are hugging near the window, and he goes back and remembers his Farther (Inventor) dying infront of him...he shows alot of pain in his eyes...and you begin to start feeling evan more symaptetic towards him
. The froozen statue scene where kim is dancing in the snow flakes.
. The Climax where he utters the words Goodbye to Kim as he sees her for the last time
. the end where Kim as an old lady explains to her grandaughter that the reason she did not go up there to see him again is because she would rather have him remember her the way she was..She then says she knows he is alive because it never use to snow before he came down here...and now it always snows so he must still be alive
. the last scene where Edward is making the ice sculpture of Kim
This movie is really great for its background music, and you really feel like your inside the movie, I always use to think I was in that small town myself and what would I have done in the climax. The movie is fictional at its best. Infact it can never happen...a man with sicssor hands...but the simpleness of the story draws you in. Johney depp does amazing in this film very little words and mostly all face expression. The chrector Kim is beautiful as hell, she is like an angel...a film that will touch you like anything a fantasy film for sure but I wish it was real. I real masterpiece is what I can say about this film, it was orginally a book and stage show before this movie got made and it really lived up to what it was and that was a magical story that will always live on!