The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University created edX in May 2012.Edx is an online platform where students from all over world can student from Harvard professors directly under their knowledge and experience. Many courses are free on this website for you all not only students can learn but anyone who is interesting in gaining knowledge from outside world. Everyone wants to go abroad for study and wandering but now due to socialism you can take advantage from your home directly without investing any money and go far away from family.
Okay about the app guys you can study from field starting Arts to Social science whatever you want to learn is available on this website or app can be download which are both compatible on IOS & ANDROID devices.
Their are time limits for each courses you can download the videos via on WiFi or on mobile data its up to you how you use it. Time limits are like for example You want to study about photovoltaic cell ( Solar panels) when you search it you got so many courses about studying your required field After clicking on your loved one course after looking carefully you can see enroll bla bla bla date if date is gone then youre late than enroll ones but dont worry look another of that field There are many courses of solar cells free there only go and enroll also you have too are before enroll is image will upload youll be able to see what I mean.When you will be able to enroll that course you will know about How many week it gonna take to end at that page interface you will know the day when your courses lectures are going to start.
At a time you can enroll to many based on the enrollment of your and how much you want to gain knowledge. Its very cool app you will love it.
You can also pay for your certification what you studied and from where its very rated app and whatever youre course is your professor will give you assignments, you can talk with him, Course will be in English language, Questions will be asked Mcqs type you will be benefited with knowledge main part is this all want is guys all should gain knowledge its all about learning and progressing every day forward.
Hope you will love this app Thanks for sticking till now may you and your family be safe at this pandemic stay alert.
Love everyone spread peace.