I am actually pasting a copy of my comment on this paper which was wrongly placed under heading home>media>magazine>regional >telugu>enadu
please read on.....
I will edit this content when I get more time.
Enadu is like Reliance Infocom (Reliance India Mobile ) in area of journalism.
The revolution created by Enadu in papers and RIM in cellphone industry are parallel.
Now let us stop this comparision here..
Eenadu has grown / became popular with anti congress wave when NTR
came to rule the AP (2 decades back). It started a edition almost one for every 2/3 districts and today it might even have an edition for each district.
Since I stay in MadhyaPradesh and also read the local papers here, many times I take pride in the quality and level of telugu papers which of course started by the EEnadu.
Ofcourse now Andhrabhoomi and Andhrajyothy competing with it and once Udayam gave Eenadu good challenge.
Content wise AB/AJ and Eenadu are quite rich, covers wide spectrum politics/religion/sport/finance and what not. Even the
editorials are quite readable.
As I said earlier when I compare english papers in MP with these telugu papers
I can clearly see the qualitative difference of standards maintained. ( But I can not
simply blame the poor english papers in MP since their subscription figures are not as remarkable as these and those poor chaps must be really struggling to survive)
The only problem with Eenadu is it is a bit ( Big bit ! ) prejudiced against congress
and favours TDP and hence all its editorials/ selection of news amd prominence given
to various news headings. are to be taken with a SPOON of salt. ha ha. (I can understand why Rajasekhar reddy AP CM complains over this. )
but the quality wise I appreciate Eenadu papersand you can understand from the
fact that I do not mind reading one day old Eenadu paper which get in Indore from
Newdelhi. But I only wish AJ/AB start their Delhi editions and it will be really interesting for us to watch!!
Now about the sunday special magazine of Eenadu.
It is simply superb which you would not like to miss it. and it is nicely evolving
with time. As of now it includes one story, one article on a famous personality
one crime report and many other interesting articles jokes.