I am not in a haste to conclude anything & also dont want to create any division among good harmonious human beings in a sweet & value beliving country like India.
I am a middle class person and I brought up two of my children with whatever I earned.They both studied well.My son studied well throughout & got into Medicine on merit.He scored well in all his MBBS exams & he is doing his internship. The other day he was vexed due to the above issue & he was lamenting that what I will have to do now to get into MD or MS.Whether to join the striking students or to keep quite?.
This was a million dollar question for me to answer.As a good citizen of India I believe in welfare of the country & social welfare of downtroden & lot of sympathy for the people living below poverty line.
The dilema here is a son scoring distinction in all his MBBS exams versus the governmental efforts in creating obstacles in his future.For higher studies merit is required or not is the question which was in my mind.
I was controlling my self , & decided not to give an hurried answer.I dont know how many of you will hold on when your own son is asking such a sensitive question.
But I do tell him to hold on(How long?), as a very helpless citizen of this beatiful country India.Jai, Hind.