Writing my review no 250, was not an easy ask for me. For starters what should I write about, which can appeal to all? My basic aim was that a member on reading this review should not feel “Oh my, I can’t understand anything in this, but since its his 250th review, let me make him happy, by putting my comment”.* I do not want the person reading this to feel forced to give a comment, because he or she has to. And that has been the basic purpose of my reviews.
For me whether it’s review no 250 or review no 300, makes no difference. I put in the same passion and effort, for all. So my appeal to all members don’t treat this review as something special, take it like anything else which I write and put in your comments. For me the achievement does not lie in penning 250 or 1000 reviews, but if my review touches even 1 person, that would be significant for me.
Anyway for this review, I just want to reveal a hidden side of mine. I used to dabble a lot in poetry, especially in the years 2000-02. Poetry is something I love a lot, and apart from a few close people on my trust list, not many members out here, do know that I have a poetic side. I used to write poetry on a site called boloji.com, and was even selected as Poet of the Week in July 2006. Unfortunately I became busy with my work, and lost touch with poetry. Also the very poor response my poems got in sites like Caferati.com and Poetry.com, which had professional writers, convinced me, that while my poems might find appreciation among my friends, I had a very long way to go, before I could make it to that level. And so since then I have not written much poems.
As I am just recovering from a fever, I really cant put in much effort to pen one of my usual longish reviews. So for all of you, I am just penning a poem, which is just a recollection of some thoughts in my mind. Awaiting your bouquets, brickbats, comments and ratings.
A thousand thoughts floating in my head,
What to write? And what not to write?
How to put my thoughts, on a piece of paper?
So that a commoner understands,
As well as a scholar.
Questions roaming around in my head,
What is life? Who are we?
How significant are we in the vastness?
Questions, Questions and more Questions,
And no easy answers for any of them,
At times I feel like an outsider,
In a world, where people are content,
Living in their comfortable glass bowls,
I keep looking outside those bowls,
As I see rising tides of danger,
Why worry, be happy, say people?
Yes I am safe and secure, and happy,
As I sit in my glass bubble,
But for how long can I ignore.
Those raging waves, crashing on the walls,
For one day, they shall break inside.
I see a past which has a lot of answers,
For the glorious future we seek,
But then I realize, that I am a prisoner
In this comfortable glass bowl of mine,
And I have to live my life in the bubble,
I have to live in the present,
Fight for survival daily
In the snake pit of a world
I live daily to fight another day,
While a part of me dies slowly.
Ok and to those who are wondering what my review title means- Er Bai Wau is Mandarin for 250, and also is a slang for a simpleton, which is what I am at the end of the day**.