I often have tension headaches and terrible backaches. If you experience these as well here are a few tips for you.
Every morning I do some easy exercise and I hope I can describe them properly to you.
1) Lay flat on your back. Bend one knee. Put your hands around the knee and slowly bring it up to your chest. Repeat this with both legs 5 times.
2) Lay flat on your back and bend both knees. Support them with your hands and slowly bring your knees up to your chest. Repeat 5 times.
3) Lay flat on your back and cross one ankle over the other. Slowly turn your body away from the ankle on top. Repeat this exercise with both legs 5 times.
4) Lay on your stomach. Get onto your knees. Put your arms straight as close to your body as possible and then bend the elbow and try to touch your chin to the ground. Do this 5 times and work it up to 29 times.
5) Stand with your back against the wall with your feet slightly ahead of you. Walk backwards until your shoulders, back and hips are flat against the wall. Hold this for a count of 5. Repeat 5 times.
Please remember to never push your self to do any exercise. Begin with as much as you can do and you will find your back will finally stretch out and if you do this every day your backaches will be gone,
1) I do Tai Chi 5 times a week to relax me.
2) I walk for ½ hour every other day on grass and never on pavement.
3) On alternate days I do pool exercise.
When I fell one of these beginning I take an over the counter pill calledRobaxisal. It is a two colored pill. Once side is a muscle relaxer and the other is aspirin, (this is in a pink box). If you cant take aspirin a blue box has Tylenol.
I buy an eighteen pill package for$2.50 CAD. I can use one pill every four hours but I have never had to use more than two.
This pill also helps the pain you get when you strain or sprain some part of your body. If you would like to learn more about this pill the web site is:
Never do any exercise or take any over the counter medicine without consulting your Doctor.
I hope this review was helpful to you. Thanks a lot for reading it.