I have 2 phases in life one pre Mouthshut and other post Mouthshut, I am very sick now, I need treatment, I have a big problem, yesterday I am lighting a cigarette I am looking at the manufacturer name, I never did that, everything I do everywhere I go, I see reviews leaping at me, grabbing at me, shouting at me, please write about me, write about me.
My wife will club me to death, if she knows, she has become my second obsession, I don’t even know when has this started, how serious is this, but I know the signs as clear as Bruce Willis see them in Night Shaymalan movie, I see a nice lady with beautiful smile drinking apple juice, the review bug bite her, I see a sweet girl going to a movie and the happenings inside the theater propel her to a review, I see the most well behaved computer geek, Reviews are leaping out of his screen at him, so much so he had to close his Airlines.
I see a gentleman on his honeymoon itching to write comments and reviews, I see a lovely girl going out of her house everyday to Internet Cafe because a review is bothering her since 3 days, I see a dear grandmother 627 Reviews old still can’t keep her fingers away from the keyboard. I wish her the best of health and quick recovery; I want to see her come back among us soon. These are the signs more clear than Night Shaymalan.
I need a exorcist, I have been possessed by a Jinn since last 3 months, the Jinn is making me write review after review, I cannot fight, I have been overpowered, please call Dr.Shafiq, he is giving free prescriptions to everyone here. Please forgive me if I did something to you with my reviews, it’s the fault of the Jinn.
Moreover I am suffering from running nose, back pain, headache, frequent sneezing, muscles pain, cough; I have purchased ZANDU BALM, made by
I have purchased this at a Kirana store (Grocery Shop) the store keeper was saying this ZANDU BALM is available all over India in Kirana stores or Medical Halls, it comes in a small 10 grams bottle 2 inch in size, it is sold at Rs.16 (48 US Cents) It is for external use only, we can use it for Headache, Body pain and all symptoms related to common cold sneezing, cough (to be rubbed on the throat) the weight is nett 10 grams.
My mother keeps one bottle handy with her always, whenever I have body cramps sleeping on one side or sitting in one position for a long time or sudden action causing muscles and veins pulls which is very painful, my mother applies ZANDU BALM to the area I am feeling pain, she rubs with a little balm in her fingers, the menthol in the balm gives a slight tingling like sensation in the skin, it is fast acting and quick relieving, my mother swears by its effective relief. Who better to learn about life than from mother’s mouth?
So I have learned to use it myself whenever I feel nose congestion or blocked of the nostrils, mind you this blockade is very harm causing and irritating, once I had blocked nose, I told my wife I love you, she heard it I loath you.
ZANDU BALM keeps the meanings of our speech clear, so it is a life saver, useful ointment, keep it around you always. A good friend in winter for all small irritating pulls and pains related to cold weather.
When suffering from severe cough or cold cover the head with a towel and inhale the fumes of boiling water over a stove with ZANDU BALM in it. I am not a Doctor please do not do things I tell you consult a doctor first.
Now that my mother has taken care of my cold, I owe her so much in life; I just wish I could be useful to her as much as she took care of me. Let me ponder ways to repay her, Thank you ZANDU BALM for making me realize the comfort in my mother’s fingers.
Here wishing every sick person a quick recovery, like I had from ZANDU BALM, now my head is clear I don’t think I need a exorcist, I am normal again, the possession was not of the DJINN but the of https://MOUTHSHUT.COM Please let me be disconnected and care free once again mouthshut.
Thank you for reading