There are 1000 of remedies that that I will recommend two simple remedies that suits to all
A sweet remedy: chewing candies helps to moist throat by induces saliva production.saliva helps to helps to lubricates throat and heals soars.Some natural remedies that heals throat are ginger, honey, lemon, cloves, basil leaves.these have antibiotic and anti inflammatory properties that fighting with bacteria that cause infection and heals sores.Making homemade candies by using these ingredients makes a good remedy for soar throat.
Sore throat candy recipe: Ingredients needed: 1/5 cup water, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of grounded ginger, basil leaves, cloves each and powdered sugar little bit for coating.Boil water and sugar, then add all ingredients.Stir well for 10 to 20 minutes.cook until it becomes hard in medium heat slowly.after it reaches hard crack stage remove from heat.with help of spoon drop the mixture into baking sheet as rounded drops.Allow it to cool completely.after it cools , dust with powdered sugar.and store in airtight container.Its an excellent remedy for soar throat.
A salty remedy: Salt water gargle helps to cleanse throat and relieves throat irritation.and it will wash off infection.also gargle with apple cider vinegar which kills bacteria and also soothe a sore throat.