After completing the BBA my younger sister wanted to do MBA and was looking for a good coaching classes and we didnt had much knowledge of it so we asked around and we are told that for MBA coaching classes this is the best place.
I also agreed the next day I went there to check out the place I was impressed with the impressive staff, teachers with good knowledge and better counseling was given there but the only reason why they have such a high free charges.
I asked around the students how was the place most of them said honestly to me that they give good coaching but they are only like extra classes after school and they are not very much concerned about individual students and only teaching as a whole is considered and not much attention was given to students lagging behind.
So its basically a place where you may find better teaching from the better teachers and counseling etc but its nothing more than that or they do anything special. So if you have a problem about a certain thing and rest of the class do about that subject matter they wont make much effort to make you understand that concept.
So putting that extra money is not much profitable for such coaching classes, even if you consider spending for the sake of education so its just not a good deal to go to such classes so no reason to recommend it.