Its the Big B Vs the bad boys again.
The 80s saw a series of AB movies where he single handedly kicked A** of an army of villians. Ek Ajnabee is no different, a little less entertaining though.
After impressive initial sequences, the narrative drops regressively, and the story becomes more n more predictable.
Apoorva Lakhia is successful in reducing the movie to a 3 hr commercial for Oakleys, Gabbana, BMW, etc.
Amitabh, sadly, is brought down to a level of Sunny Deol ( Indian, Maa tuze salaam, Hero, Zor, Ziddi, Farz, etc etc... Fame).
Though both Bachchan and Rampal look dapper as usual, and do full justice to their roles, both the characters r too shallow to b written about. The small girl has done a gr8 job, is too endearing, especially in sequences with AB. rest all are fillers.
Oh yeah, theres also a twist towards the end. buts thats just for the sake of having a twist. If you get convinced by it, you are probably the type whod also believe in tooth fairy and santa claus.
Thankfully, there r no songs in the movie ( barring a mandatory item number and a song more used as a background score). But the director has made up by shooting almost 80% of the movie in slow motion and ensuring the viewers patience gets tested.