Folks, I am a Big B fan, so I went to see the movie only for him.
The only good thing in the movie is Big B. Rest are pure waste. It starts right from the story, a poor rip-off of a Hollywood movie. Then theres the compulsory item number. The most unbearable thing was the choice of clothes. It looks as if the producer was running short of money and he decided to buy old-clothes (70s) from the chor-bazaar. If the objective was to create a trend and cash on retro thingy, it has fallen flat.
The make-up of the badies in the movie was a looked like the characters from the hindi comics like chacha chowdry....Very Long Side burn so that he could be easily identified as a villan!!!!
If I may dare to say, Big B should stop accepting roles that tries to re-create his Angry Young Man persona. Lets face it Amitabhji has grown old now and to expect him to play Angry-Young-Man role is a bit too much. He could learn a thing or two from Sean Connery or Clint Eastwood.
His film Black is a good example of the kinda roles Big B should take up.
Ek Ajnabee film IMHO looked like a shirt with bad stitching. The film lacked smoothness, it appears that the director had lots of ideas going on in his head and wanted to show all that in the movie....the split screen effects, plot sequence, editing etc