Story- This movie based on boring romantic drama.Natasha ready to wedding with sunny( upen patel) but she falls in love with Devdhar( shiv darshan) .Natashas father want to kill Natasha for her property.when movie slowly slowly go to end Devdhar saves Natasha from her father and sunny killed by Natashas father.
Acting- Natash fernandez( natasha) , upen patel( sunny) and Directors son shiv darshan( devdhar) plays his role average.Overall all actors of this movie plays a bad acting.
Music- music is little bit stronger on all other points of this movie.Title song and Hue Bachein is good songs whis directed by Nadeem Safai.
Overall- A boring, disgusting and crap movie. ( 1/5) * BO 1-7 cr.