Ee, there is this single working woman hasina
namely goes by name of Sarika Vartak
One day cute guy rescues her purse with no pasina
and then comes into her life, ekdum ghar tak
Now, hasina is sweetie-pie, knows her way
initially takes his affections with a pinch of salt
but then conveniently loses a game of Q and A
and dissolves in his arms like milk with malt
Do I hear some women say yo girl -
she knows her mind and even looks pretty
dont you geeks watch ally mcbeals world
come on, at least, maybe sex and the city
But from here on, is it saif? or is it a sin?
you see, god and director alone knows
for when boyfriends creepo friend drops in
ah my, a wicked wind this way blows
For the luggage that creepo left behind
is loaded with ammo and infernal stuffs
she must have been out of her mind
and so next scene hasina is in handcuffs
For hasina, prison is a harrowing ex
with dal like soap and no soaps on the telly
filthy abuses and hints of - oh my - lesbian sex
enough to make you develop a fire in the belly
With a little help from prisoner crony
hasina manages a stunning prison break
comes into some illegally got money
and plans for her revenge make
Hasina then plots, lies high and low
in a posh south delhi farmhouse
its a double game, you know
a bit like story of cat and mouse
(The rodent motif, say here I must -
in the movie is a recurring theme
to show helplessness or revenge just
or the hatching of the revenge scheme)
But back to the eshtory, yaars
after many twists and turns of the plot
saif is put behind prison bars
truly, the wicked have got their lot ...
So whats the verdict - is it worth a see?
yup, I found the movie well made and cool
even with the sheldon and alexandre dumas overtones
Ek Hasina Thi is truly paisa vasool ...